BBYC Board & Committees
2024-25 Committees & Chairs
Our Club depends largely upon the membership to govern and operate its programs. Volunteerism is the key to building relationships with fellow members and keeping expenses down. Everyone is expected to make a contribution of time by helping with boating activities, social events, and bi-annual work weekends.
Please contact a committee chair if you are interested in joining a committee, have a concern, question, or suggestion.
Awards - Ginnie Iverson, Nick Nicolini, Don Hahl, P.C. Rick Metz
BBYC Office - General Manager/COO Antoine Avignon
BBYC Office - Assistant General Manager Kelly Thornton
BBYC Office - Weddings & Events Sales Coordinator - Delia Sheridan
Bar - Rich Leinhauser, Cory Cunningham, Sean Cunningham, Danielle DeBouter, Bobby Harris, Lisa Hatch, Ann Leinhauser, Antoine Avignon
BBSF - P.C. David Shanker, Roy Wilkens, P.C. John Barbano, Ginny Iverson, C. Frank Barbato, David Hansen, P.C. Mark Horowitz, P.C. Rick Metz
Burgee Exchange Program - Sherri Lou Schaffer, C. Frank Barbato
By-Laws - P.C. Rick Metz, Carolyn Bogart, Diane Erhard, Colin Neil, Sherri Lou Schaffer, P.C. Hubert Streep
Cannoneer - P.C. Steve Erhard, C. Mark Horowitz
Club Boats - Dave Hansen, P.C. Paul Coward, Tom Ready, Dennis Russom, Kyle Stretch, Antoine Avignon
Club Race Scoring - Jim Nicolini
Communications - C. Frank Barbato, S. Christine Gallagher, Joseph Merrill, Janis Metz, P.C. John Prout, Antoine Avignon
Commodore - Frank Barbato
Docks & Slips - Dan Griffin, Burt Boyle, David Hansen, P.C. Bub Kovacs, Antoine Avignon
Finance - T. Richard Devaney, Mary Coughlin, Keith DeCroix, Sean Gogerty, Colin Neil, Antoine Avignon
Fleet Chaplin - P.C. Howie Dumhart, C. Frank Barbato
Go To Meeting / Zoom Administration - S. Christine Gallagher
Grievance Committee - P.C. Rick Metz, C. Frank Barbato, P.C. Hubert Streep
Historian- Dot Quigley, Alison Cooper-Mandell, P.C. Rick Metz
Hospitality / Rentals - Cate Cunningham, Kelly Thornton, Antoine Avignon
Human Resources - C. Frank Barbato, Antoine Avignon
Insurance - Carolyn Bogart, T. Richard Devaney, Sean Gogerty, Colin Neil, P.C. David Shanker, Antoine Avignon
IT Committee, Computer, Club Essentials - C. Frank Barbato, Janet Miller, Jim Nicolini, John Repko, Antoine Avignon
Junior Board Advisor - Monica Stahl, Erin DeCroix
Junior Social - Christa Beshel, Elizabeth Cuomo, Erin DeCroix, Lauren Gardiner, Antoine Avignon
Junior Sailing - P.C Stacey Kliesch, Sarah Chin, Erin DeCroix, P.C. Don Hahl, Andy Hubbard, Antoine Avignon
Landscaping - Beth Reitinger, David Hansen, Antoine Avignon
Legal - William Strasser, Carolyn Bogart, Allan Eaglesham, Dan Griffin, C. Frank Barbato, P.C. Jim Perry, Will Waldron, Antoine Avignon
Long Range Planning - Andy Hubbard, P.C. John Barbano, C. Frank Barbato, T. Richard Devaney, P.C. Donna Erhard, P.C. Mark Horowitz, P.C. Stacey Kliesch, P.C. Sal Messina, P.C. Rick Metz, P.C. Joy E Power, P.C.Carl Reitinger, Antoine Avignon
Managed Kitchen - P.C. David Shanker, Sean Cunningham, Danielle DeBouter, Lou McElwain, P.C. Dori Jo Gugliemini, Jennifer Stretch, Will Waldron, Kirsten Weinstein, Antoine Avignon
MCH Renovation Implementation - Doug MacKinney, Greg Miller, Richard Devaney, P.C. Donna Erhard, P.C. Mark Horowitz , V.C. James Stahl, Antoine Avignon
Membership - V.C. James Stahl, P.C. Donna Erhard, Keith Flanagan, Rich Leinhauser, Sandi Messina, Janet Miller, Tanya Moeller, Anna Scheuerman
Nominating - P.C. Mark Horowitz, R.C. Donna Erhard (N/V), P.C. Glenn Reitinger (N/V), V.C. James Stahl (N/V)
Officer of the Day - P.C. Carl Reitinger, C. Frank Barbato
Officer of the Watch - P.C. Carl Reitinger, P.C. Donna Erhard, C. Frank Barbato
Photographer - Jeff Carson
Programs - P.C. Stacey Kliesch, Erin DeCroix, Christine Banks, Sarah Chin, Paul Hamnett, Don Hahl, Andy Hubbard, Tanya Moeller, Antoine Avignon
Property & Grounds - P.C. Carl Reitinger, David Hansen, P.C. Stacey Kliesch, P.C. Bub Kovacs, Rich Leinhauser, P.C. Sal Messina, Beth Reitinger, Antoine Avignon
Protocol - P.C. Donna Erhard, P.C. Paul Coward, P.C. Bobbie Beck
Race Committee - Brett Amspacher, P.C. Paul Coward, Ginnie Iverson, Nick Nicolini
Race Scoring (club) - Jim Nicolini
Racquets - Ann Leinhauser, Tanya Moeller, Lisa Carmelengo, Christine Gallagher, Bethany Seeley, Nancy Spark, Antoine Avignon
Rear Commodore - P.C. Donna Erhard
Regatta Awards - Ginny Iverson
Regatta Scoring - Beth Reitinger, Nick Nicolini
Regatta - P.C. Dori Jo Gugliemini, P.C. John Barbano, P.C. Paul Coward, P.C. Bub Kovacs, Jim Nicolini, Nick Nicolini, P.C. Carl Reitinger, Eric Reitinger, Dennis Russom, Bill Watters, Tom Widmeier
Safety - PC Joy E. Power, Ray Carile, Rich Leinhauser, Betsy Russom, VC James Stahl, Chris Williams, Antoine Avignon
Sailing - Nick Nicolini, P.C. Paul Coward, P.C. Don Hahl, Eric Reitinger, John Rokita, Sherry Roth, Dennis Russom, Bill Watters
Sailing Club Awards - Ginnie Iverson, Nick Nicolini
Sailing Club Racing Scoring - Jim Nicolini, Nick Nicolini
Sargent at Arms - TBD
Secretary - S. Christine Gallagher
Ship Store - Alisa Friedberg, Lauren Houston, Peg Stahler, P.C. Joy E Power, Kelly Thornton, Antoine Avignon
Social - Jennifer & Kyle Stretch, Megan Bennett, Christa Beshel, Phyllis & Ray Carile, Liz Cuomo, Adam Doren, Lauren Gardiner, Susan Hannah, Janet Miller, Rich Rodriguez, Jen & Nick Nicolini, Antoine Avignon
Vice Commodore - V.C. James Stahl
Volunteer Liaison - P.C. Donna Erhard
Work Day Spring & Fall - Dave Hansen, P.C. Sal Messina, P.C. Carl Reitinger, Antoine Avignon
Club management is composed of flag officers and a board of trustees. We operate under our Bylaws, with a committee structure chaired by members.
Contact Us: The board and committee chair people would love to get your input and answer your questions. To contact a flag officer or committee chair, click the link below to email them directly.
Flag Officers
Commodore - Frank Barbato
Vice Commodore - James Stahl
Rear Commodore - P.C. Donna Erhard
Secretary - Christine Gallagher
Treasurer - Richard Devaney
PC Mark Horowitz
PC Rick Metz
PC Joy E Power
Carolyn Bogart
Erin DeCroix
David Hansen
Bobby Harris
Doug MacKinney
Janet Miller
Nick Nicolini
Junior Board
We recognize the junior members of BBYC are the future of our club. All members are committed to creating opportunities for them to participate in the leadership of BBYC and the community and be successful.
Commodores: Keira D. & Callie F.
Vice Commodore: Emily H.
Rear Commodore:
Treasurer: Reese H.
Recording Secretary: Elle B.
Corresponding Secretary: Peyton B.
Fundraising: Tyler S. & Adam V.
Marketing & Publicity: Grey D., Penn D. & Charlie H.
For the 2025 season, the Junior Board is working towards raising funds to support Beach Haven Volunteer First Aid Squad. The Beach Haven Volunteer First Aid Squad, a non-profit, charitable 501 (c)(3) organization, was organized in 1939. They are an all volunteer EMS agency serving the residents and visitors of Beach Haven & Long Beach Township and rely on Donations to offer their services free of charge to those in need.
More information about Ocean of Love can be found on its website: