Sailing at BBYC
BBYC offers sailing opportunities for all ages and skill levels. Whether you're learning how to sail, enjoying "fun" sailing activities, participating in weekly racing series, or competing in local and national regattas, there's something for everyone. Whether on the water or on land, you can make new friends and reconnect with lifelong sailing companions while sharing a passion for the sport.
Check out the sailing calendar for event times.
BBYC “FUN” Sailing Activities
Join the exciting sailing camaraderie with several scheduled activities this summer.
Team Racing ALL LEVELS - Join a team to learn about team racing and put your skills to the test in a day of racing with the Sunfish.
Full Moon Light Sailing ALL LEVELS - Sail the bay under the full moon alongside other cruise boats, perhaps even rafting up in the middle of the bay.
Mariner Mayhem ALL LEVELS - An excellent way to learn to sail by crewing on a Mariner. Learn the tricks and technique from our experienced Mariner racers.
Cruising Boat Race with Handicap Scoring ALL LEVELS - Have a cruising sailing boat (including Mariners) and would like to participate in some racing? Then join us in a Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) regatta.
SUNFISH Grand Prix Racing (a Triple S event - Sailing, Spectators, and Suds)- All you need is a sunfish (we have 2 club sunfish) and a little sense of adventure on Friday night and you can be a big part of the entertainment.
Summer Series
BBYC offers adult racing for Mariners, Sunfish, and Lasers. Click here to view the NORs, results, and photos.
Thursday Evening for Sunfish and Lasers at 6:30PM
Friday Afternoon for Sunfish at 1:30PM
Saturday for Sunfish and Lasers at 1:00PM
Sundays for Mariners and Lightnings at either 10:00AM or 1:00PM; Cruisers with high tides
BBYC and the Brant Beach Sailing Foundation sponsors sailing regattas each year and offers sailing programs and racing for adults and juniors. BBYC has recently been the recipient of US Sailing’s One-Design Yacht Club of the Year and offers a great bay with afternoon sea breezes for fabulous sailing. Our sailing activities include:
A comprehensive junior instructional sailing program for children from ages 7-18.
2021 Regattas for this years sailing events at BBYC
Summer racing series on Thursday evening, Friday afternoon, Saturdays, and Sundays
Fun sailing events